By Olivia Lunn
Going into an applied class as a junior can be tough, tough work. You are in the shoes of a freshman, but your credit status says you’re a junior. Confusion at its finest right there. Walking into the door, I had no idea what to expect. I was that little sheepish kid walking into junior high for the first time, looking lost and confused.
The first week there was a lot to take in with a lot of information thrown at you and the syllabus (but what syllabus isn’t scary!?). I have learned that applied classes can be the most intimidating things, but the most helpful with figuring out what your path is. And that is exactly what Top Dog has done.
In Top Dog, I have become more confident in myself, the skills I have gained from my communications classes, and confident in the friends I have made within this course itself (and I have only been in this class for 2 month…crazy!). I have been thinking very serious about internships within the field, what category in the field that I want to build my career on, and finally having reassurance that this is the field for me. That last point is the hardest in college. Luckily, I have FINALLY found my niche and the community that I belong in. It might have taken a hot second to find it, but I can say THIS IS IT! And I have to give all my thanks to Top Dog Communication!
Going into an applied class as a junior can be tough, tough work. You are in the shoes of a freshman, but your credit status says you’re a junior. Confusion at its finest right there. Walking into the door, I had no idea what to expect. I was that little sheepish kid walking into junior high for the first time, looking lost and confused.
The first week there was a lot to take in with a lot of information thrown at you and the syllabus (but what syllabus isn’t scary!?). I have learned that applied classes can be the most intimidating things, but the most helpful with figuring out what your path is. And that is exactly what Top Dog has done.
In Top Dog, I have become more confident in myself, the skills I have gained from my communications classes, and confident in the friends I have made within this course itself (and I have only been in this class for 2 month…crazy!). I have been thinking very serious about internships within the field, what category in the field that I want to build my career on, and finally having reassurance that this is the field for me. That last point is the hardest in college. Luckily, I have FINALLY found my niche and the community that I belong in. It might have taken a hot second to find it, but I can say THIS IS IT! And I have to give all my thanks to Top Dog Communication!